The current administration in St. Helens is scrambling to find new funding for the police department…but they’re looking in the wrong place. Those tempted to point to revenue shortages are unfairly blaming us, the taxpayers. The revenue is there. The...
16 September 2024
St. Helens Needs Smart, Slow Economic Growth. Here’s How We Can Do It
St. Helens is facing financial challenges. Our expenses are spiraling out of control. Your debt burden has gone from $8 million to more than $40 million in 4 years! What’s the solution from the current leadership and my opponent? They...
27 May 2024
Steve Toschi Challenges Media Access Rules to Ensure Government Transparency in St. Helens
Published on Steve Toschi is challenging the boundaries of "news media" to gain access to executive sessions. As the host of the KOHI radio show Town Talk Café, Toschi is fighting for the right to keep our local government...
7 August 2023
St. Helens’ Approach to Regulating Public Camping for the Homeless
Published on St. Helens City Council has passed a new law in line with House Bill 3115, detailing rules for public camping. The ordinance addresses concerns about where, when, and how people can camp, aiming to balance legal requirements...