© 2024 Paid for by Steve Toschi for St Helens #22547. All rights reserved. Services by burnett media group. Hosting by Hostdoodle.

We have a choice to make...The choice is clear.

Steve Toschi
Rick Scholl
Jennifer Massey
No Tax Increases Without a Vote
Pledged no increase in taxes or water bill fees! Will balance the City budget.
Smart Slow Growth
Attorney and land use expert. Planning Commission experience. Will make sure we have quality condominiums for “work from anywhere” and local economy. No more ultra-low-income housing in St. Helens. We need a balance.
More Freedom
Protected public safety by legally objecting to police station being built in flood zone. Station will now be built to enhance the Houlton District. Organized Town Hall meeting and gathered 106 signatures to stop City Council from adopting law allowing homeless camping on residential streets and parks. He is for empowering citizen commissions to hold public hearings and get the truth out regarding city planning and finances. Encourages friendly and intelligent discussions, even where there is disagreement.
Competent Leadership
I will make sure we get our planning on track for our riverfront development! This needs to be done right, and by quality developers. I’m going to negotiate with and attract developers who want to invest in St. Helens. Right now our people are funding the waterfront project.

I was the only budget committee member to request monitoring $17,500,000 in spending for downtown development. Nobody is monitoring our spending.

Attorney licensed in two states. Business owner with 28 employees. A fair leader. Laws from Salem are our greatest challenge. Can meet with business people on a professional level.
Stop Portland Creep
Worked with the Planning Commission to stop a plan to put camping on our residential streets and parks. Held Town Hall meeting to get people to sign petition. I’ve heard all of you who have said, “Don’t let this become Portland!” Working against secret land use planning that will allow more ultra-low-income development here.

I’m very supportive of a law enforcement approach to the homeless issues.
No Conflicts of Interest
I have no conflicts of interest. I owe no favors to anyone. My pay does not depend on City decision. Small town politics have held us back. I’m going to move us forward in the best interests of all St. Helens. I’m all for law enforcement, but we need a building department, and a library.
Raised Your Taxes & Will Again
Raised your water bill $10.00 a month for police station not built. Wants to raise water bill another $25.00 a month, at least.
Irresponsibly Wasting Your Tax Dollars
Responsible for apartments across from Walmart. Secret land use meetings are now in progress for more of it. Wasted $2.7 million your money for illegally building police station in flood zone, going against the advice of the City’s Planning Department. Delayed and redone river walk project. Has no plan for parking, and no architectural standards for riverfront development.
Promoted Unconstitutional 'Gag Law'
Promoted the city’s unconstitutional “gag law,” intended to persecute political dissenters. This law stated to be “ripe for abuse” by former Parks Commissioner, now Judge Aaron Martin. Silences and controls city commissions, rendering them powerless.
Repeated Failures in Leadership
Was in power when land unlawfully sold to pot farm (judge’s decision). Met with business owner for proposed solar plant wearing t-shirt and ball cap. Did not know city was borrowing $13,000,000 for police station (stated on public record January 2024). Financial mismanagement cost taxpayers $2.7 million for drawings for police station in flood zone. We are upside down regarding our expenses and in severe financial trouble. Eight years and no developer has been attracted to do business with St. Helens. There is a failure of leadership here.

Said on Brady and Tammy’s talk show that landowners have a “right to blight” in our business districts, and he said “I don’t want California investors!” No wonder we can’t get a developer or businesses to locate here!
Welcomes Failed Portland Policies
Under Rick re-zoned the property across from Walmart to create the section 8 housing there. He wants more of it! “Stated on Brady and Tammy’s Odd Friday Show that people have a “right to blight their properties.” Eight years of blighted properties all over town and in our business districts.

Was pushing for law allowing camping on streets and in parks. Was so upset at signatures gathered preventing it, passed a “gag law.” Not good at legal issues. Has created secret land use planning committee with company that already has advocated for more land for ultra-low-income housing. Beholden to Salem due to financial mismanagement. Look at the development done under his leadership.
Crony Leadership Disregarding Our Best Interests
Doing favors for the pot farm got us into an unlawful land deal, and the pot farm then interfered with Cascades business. Re-zoning the property across from Walmart got us 285 ultra-low-income housing units. Building a police station in a flood zone? Rigged process to fire our tourism contractor has so far cost the taxpayers $700,000! Friends get favors and it costs you money.
Supports Raising Your Taxes
Has stated favors raising water bill at least $25.00 per month to increase number of police beyond 27 officers. Stated that she would cut library hours personnel to pay for police.
No Planning Experience
No planning experience whatsoever. Not involved in land use planning or issues, other than supporting unlawful building of police station in flood zone, costing more than $20 million.
Actively Silences Opposing Views
Spoke out against citizens who correctly challenged city’s unlawful decision to build police station in flood zone. Persecuted those citizens. Desires to silence critics who want to ensure the City is acting lawfully and in the interests of public safety and use lawful procedures to do so. Has come out and said people from other places outside St. Helens are not welcome here. Do we want a Mayor that inflames the prejudices of a small minority of St. Helens people? No way.
Not Ready to Lead
Has not been near the government and is not aware of the issues. Has not worked with land use planning. Has conflicts of interest that will effect important decisions regarding how we build our community. Will we have a library?
Not Prepared for Inevitable Growth
Law enforcement is not the only issue here. Has no experience in land use planning.
Serious Conflict of Interest
Jennifer’s number one issue is police pay and numbers. Her husband works for the police. As Mayor she has a conflict of interest negotiating police salaries (will happen in 2025), discussions regarding numbers of police, public safety, and balancing the needs of the community. Already is on record will raise your water bill $25.00 a month at least to pay police salaries, and on record was okay unlawfully building $20 million police station in flood zone, thereby endangering public safety. Has been critical of ideas because they came from people “not from St. Helens.”

People ask me why I’m running for Mayor. It’s because I want to see St. Helens prosper, to reach its potential, to keep our community values, and to be one of the nicest cities to live in Oregon. Unfortunately, our current Mayor does not have what it takes to get us there.

First, Rick is a nice person who has helped a lot of people in our community. This is not a knock on Rick as a person, it’s a discussion about his record and his qualifications for the job.

Financial Mismanagement, Massive Spending/Higher Taxes

Inability to Plan/Poor Outcomes

Unprofessional Conduct/Unlawful Meetings/Suppression of Speech